
機内食はもちろん おつまみや飲み物。スエーデン基点に行動中の ワーキング・ママさんの出張やし旅行で出会う 空の食事を機内食日記としてご紹介するブログです。 

This is a blog about air-travel related topics. The main attention to inflight meal / airline food and other services but also about airport, lounges. I am working mom, so I also add information related to travelling with kids, such as play areas at the airport or kids entertainment onboard.

You can find English summary in the bottom of each post.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Austrian Senator Lounge @ Wien

Austrian Senator lounge @ Wien

ウィーンののAustrian Senator Loungeです。ここ備え付けのパソコンはないけど気に入ってます。


Austrian Senator lounge @ Wien

Austrian Senator lounge @ Wien

Austrian Senator lounge @ Wien

以前にオーストリアン機内食のスクランブルエッグがおいしい、と書いたけど これも絶品。オーストリア 人、実は卵料理がうまい? その他、ホットトマト、パン、クロワッサン生地のパン、ヨーグルト、グラノラ、ハム、チーズ、おいしいジュース、がありまし た。


Austrian Senator lounge @ Wien
I like this lounge. it's not too big and can be very crowded, have no computer stations but when it's calm and I can get the seat by the window, it's really relaxing.

Breakfast time and it's like a full buffet. Austrians ar e really good with egg-dishes! I asked a friend who is a chef and also did a year internship in Austria. She said that Austrian are more consious about better quality of the food - locally produced and organic. I supose it does not apply to all but maybe this lounge at least.

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