
機内食はもちろん おつまみや飲み物。スエーデン基点に行動中の ワーキング・ママさんの出張やし旅行で出会う 空の食事を機内食日記としてご紹介するブログです。 

This is a blog about air-travel related topics. The main attention to inflight meal / airline food and other services but also about airport, lounges. I am working mom, so I also add information related to travelling with kids, such as play areas at the airport or kids entertainment onboard.

You can find English summary in the bottom of each post.

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Lufthansa: Frankfurt > Milano

ドイツ・フランクフルト → イタリア・ミラノ
1:10h, Economy

選択無し、チーズのサンドイッチ。紅茶。と水 お腹減ってなかったのでお持ち帰り。
まずレストラン、その後ラウンジ、とあれだけ食べてれば 満腹なのもおかしくないですよね~。

As you know I has a huge meal at Frankfurt airport (asparagus) followed by more asparagus at the lounge. That means, this sandwich is considered as "to-go" for tomorrow lunch.
I like the pumpkin seeds on the bread.

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