
機内食はもちろん おつまみや飲み物。スエーデン基点に行動中の ワーキング・ママさんの出張やし旅行で出会う 空の食事を機内食日記としてご紹介するブログです。 

This is a blog about air-travel related topics. The main attention to inflight meal / airline food and other services but also about airport, lounges. I am working mom, so I also add information related to travelling with kids, such as play areas at the airport or kids entertainment onboard.

You can find English summary in the bottom of each post.

Friday 1 July 2016

SAS: Amsterdam/Schipol > Copenhagen/Kastrup

SAS: Amsterdam > Copenhagen

9:45 PM 45min delay
1h 20min
SAS PLUS/business
リッチにビジネスクラスです。信じられないけどビジネスクラスと普通のエコノミーが一銭も値段変わらなかったのです。アップグレードしませんか? 0KRです、と出てきたのでいわれたとおりに。

SAS: Amsterdam > Copenhagen

SAS: Amsterdam > Copenhagen

お弁当箱に入った ターキーハムと豆サラダ、卵とインゲン豆のサラダ。焼き菓子、水、紅茶。

SAS: Amsterdam > Copenhagen


SAS: Amsterdam > Copenhagen

最悪だったのはこの後の出来事。欧州内は普通バッグはチェックインしないんだけど今回はちょっと重かったので 預けた。
別会社のスタッフに裏方さんにアムスのバッグ探すようにつたえて、といいバッグの書類を書き始める。なんだか腑に落ちない。私はがんばるつもりだったけど他の人たちはもうあきらめて帰るというので最後一周見に行くのに同行した。いきなり、私のがある!ともう一人が、私のも!と。私も探すとありました!!! 最終電車に乗り遅れ、ホテルまでタクシーで行くこととに。ホテルに着いたの一時過ぎ。すごく疲れました。

When I was arranging the ticket form this trip, I got an offer to upgrade for free to business for free.
Of course I did.

SAS: Amsterdam > Copenhagen

The flight was delayed 45 min due to delayed arrival of the flight + no push-car coming.

The dinner in the box was quite a lot. Turkey + bean salad, green salad, bread. A cookie + drinks. It felt healthy and good.

The nightmare of this trip started after the trip. My bag did not come. Actually, nobodys bag came and the luggage belt did not move. No information, no help, the service center was closed. I was 100% our bags were in the basement, but how can I get the bag? There are two service companies at the airport. I asked the second company staff to send a message to SAS luggage staff. We (several of us running after our bags) eventually got hold of the staff just about to go home but they just told us to file a paper. What a bad service if they know a whole airplanes bag are not coming?!!!!

After filing a report, one of the fellow un-lucky person found her bag on totally different belt. So did a second person and so did I. Missed the last train and had to take cab to the hotel. I will try to make them pay.

update: yes, SAS paid my cab. 2 month wait thought.

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