
機内食はもちろん おつまみや飲み物。スエーデン基点に行動中の ワーキング・ママさんの出張やし旅行で出会う 空の食事を機内食日記としてご紹介するブログです。 

This is a blog about air-travel related topics. The main attention to inflight meal / airline food and other services but also about airport, lounges. I am working mom, so I also add information related to travelling with kids, such as play areas at the airport or kids entertainment onboard.

You can find English summary in the bottom of each post.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

SAS:  Helsinki, Finland > Stockholm

SAS: Helsinki, FInland > Stockholm

Route:  Helsinki, Finland →  Stockholm
フィンランド・ヘルシンキ → ストックホルム
Time: 120:00 w 30 min delay
Flight duration: 45min
Aircraft: B737
Seat: 17D
Class: Economy


SAS: Helsinki, FInland > Stockholm

Free drink with SAS. Milk tea.

Kids corner @ Helsinki Vantaa Airport

Kids corner @ Vantaa airport, Helsinki

ヘルシンキの空港は 所々に子どもが遊べる簡単なスペースがありました。ここが通路の脇、あとゲートのすぐ横にもありました。


Helsinki Vantaa airport had some Kids play areas. This one in the corner of a corridor, + there were two in gate areas as well.
Mostly suitable for kids around 1, I would say.

Plenty of Push chair available at the airport. Good highspeed free wifi.

Monday, 5 September 2016

SAS: Stockholm > Helsinki, Finland

SAS: Stockholm > Helsinki, Finland

Route: Stockholm > Helsinki, Finland, ストックホルム→ フィンランド・ヘルシンキ
time: 1pm
light duration: 45min
Aircraft: CRJ900
Seat: 10C
Class: Economy


SAS: Stockholm > Helsinki, Finland

Free hot drink. Still summer café menu.